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Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Physics practical
Journal publications
Book chapters
The Physics Corner
CSIR NET Physical Science
Laboratory Manuals
Modulus of rigidity using Bortron’s apparatus
PN junction diode and Zener diode characteristics.
Young’s modulus of material of a metallic bar by bending of beam method
Acceleration due to gravity using compound pendulum
viscosity of liquid using Poiseuille’s method
Variation of magnetic field along the axis of Helmholtz Galvanometer and to determine reduction factor.
Dispersive power of material of a prism
Thermal conductivity of a card-board by Lee’s disc method.
Absolute capacity of a condenser
Wavelength of sodium yellow line by Fresnal’s Biprism.
Wavelength of sodium yellow line by Newton’s rings
Wavelength of mercury lines by diffraction grating
Specific rotation of cane sugar by polarimeter.
Input and output characteristics of a p-n-p transistor
Energy band gap of Si using a p-n junction diode.
Diameter/thickness of a thin wire by diffraction method.
Fourier Analysis (Square, Triangular and Clipped wave)
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